“Enough of the shop talk!”

🙈 - That’s a common saying that gets thrown at me daily. Embarrassingly, I may have even won an award for “One who talks the most shop” at Jobber.

To supplement this habit, I’ve started my own blog, “nuffshoptalk”. My name is Connor Bradley and I lead the growth team at Jobber.

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Why subscribe to nuffshoptalk?

I’m looking to share my experiences and insights in real-time as I learn through the world of growth. I am building out the growth function at Jobber who recently raised a $60M Series C round, so that begs the question:

  • We can all talk shop, but how do we actually get shit done?

As I stumble around attempting to walk the walk, I plan on sprinkling in some insights and thoughts alongside some fun pieces that explore the shop talk we tend to get caught up in (see “Lunch at a Growth Conference”).

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I'm sharing real-time insights on how to cut through the shop talk and build out a growth function at a Series C SaaS company.


Manager, Growth at Jobber